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How We Started

Seth andCrystal are certified relationship coaches  We first created our podcast to talk about love, marriage, relationships, and what has and hasn’t worked for us. Since creating the podcast we have both become certified relationship coaches and are passionate about helping couples navigate their relationship.

Our story began in 2010, we worked together and became friends. From what started as a friendship ended up becoming the best decision that changed both of our lives. You see, when we met we were both in horrible relationships with the wrong people. Once that marriage and engagement ended we started dating and got married a couple years later. What we have learned the most from our previous relationships and our marriage now is that relationships don’t take hard work if you’re with the right person.

We realize that everyone is not the same and what may work for us might not work for you, we just hope that some of our discussions will at least get you thinking and maybe get you on the right path to a successful relationship. Thanks again for visiting and happy listening!

Heber Springs is such a beautiful place!
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